Mounting and Transferring Files
The PC must be installed with the included P2 driver in order to recognize, copy and transfer P2 files. This driver is also necessary when using the PC card slot and when handling P2 files
stored on a hard-disk device, such as the P2 store. The included P2 driver is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Mac OSX. For other operating requirements, refer to the P2 installation manual. The P2 driver and the P2 installation manual can be downloaded free from the following Panasonic website.
For details,please click on "Support and Downloading Information".
Preview and Nonlinear Editing
To preview (play) P2 files on a PC, it is necessary to install P2 Viewer Plus software (downloadable for free, for Windows only) or P2 CMS content management software (downloadable for free, for both Windows and Mac), both from Panasonic, or P2-compatible editing software available from other companies (for details, visit Note that each software places specific requirements on the operating environment, and the operating environment must meet additional requirements to play and edit HD content on Windows PCs and Macs. For P2 Viewer Plus or P2 CMS download and operating requirement information, visit "P2 Viewer Plus" or "P2 CMS". For operating requirements and details of other P2 editing software, visit the website of the relevant software manufacturer.