When acquiring in native V-Log/V-Gamut, the VariCam lineup of cinema cameras capture imagery with more than 14 stops of dynamic range and a very wide color spectrum, both parameters often exceeding that of 35 mm film.
To store this wide range of exposure in the recorded image, a log (logarithmic) contrast curve is utilized. However, displaying this huge range of image contrast (the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights) in Log format on a conventional monitor will result in an image that looks flat and dull to the eye, with colors appearing desaturated. These Log-recorded images are used to provide the greatest possible flexibility for later color correction; they are not intended to be viewed directly.
You can adjust V-Log for viewing using a 3D LUT (3D Look Up Table). A Conversion LUT translates the flat V-Log material to a more restricted, yet contrasty, dynamic range and shifts the color-space to match the monitor, bringing both parameters to a technical standard for viewing such as Rec. 709. These conversion LUTs provide a neutral matching of the signal to the monitor, so they can be considered technical LUTs. Artistic Look LUTs create stylistic visuals like soft blue dusk, golden magic hour, or harsh desert sun by combining the technical conversion with creative changes to gamma, contrast, saturation, bias, and other aspects.
3D LUTs can be loaded into VariCam cinema cameras. These LUTs can be separately applied to monitor outputs, the camera’s viewfinder, recorded proxy files, or even the camera’s master recording. Please note that “baking in” a LUT to the master recording is generally not recommended as it restricts the ability to adjust the image in post-production. The VariCam PURE records strictly RAW images without grading, but can apply a LUT to the monitor and viewfinder outputs. Using a LUT with a monitor or viewfinder can aid in lighting and exposing, and a proxy with a LUT applied is helpful for editing. LUTs can also be loaded into third-party LUT boxes for converting Log images on-set during production.
Use ***E-L33.Cube LUT to load “look” into external LUT BOX for external monitoring of a VariCam or EVA-1
These E-L 33 LUTs provides a scaled - legal signal level monitor OP for viewing.
The VariCam LUT Library includes 35 3D LUTs, providing options in display Conversion LUTs as well as artistic look LUTs. The library includes three separate LUT format variants, each offering the same appearance, but used for different purposes. It is important that these LUT formats not be confused, or an incorrect image may be displayed.
Note that the EVA1 Compact Cinema Camera can record in a matching V-Log/V-Gamut format, so the VariCam LUT Library can also be applied to EVA1 footage.
A number of the looks from the VariCam LUT Library have been adapted into EVA1 Scene Files for in-camera recording. Click HERE to go to the EVA1 Scene Files page.