RAW Workflow

* Products and recording formats are confirmed with artners as of April, 2018.
VariCam LT - CinemaDNG RAW Recorder
Partner | Product Name | Version | Note |
Version: 8.31 Version: 7.2 |
VariCam LT - RAW recording test results VariCam LT - RAW recording test results |
Convergent Design | Odyssey 7Q+ Odyssey 7Q |
v. 2017.06.1706 | VariCam LT - RAW recording test results Convergent Design setup information |
VariCam LT - CinemaDNG RAW Editing / Grading / Mastering
Partner | Product Name | Version |
Adobe | Premiere Pro CC | v2015.4 + Plugin*1 |
Assimilate | Scratch, Scratch Play | v. 8.6 |
Autodesk | Flame | v2016 ext1 + Plugin*1 |
Avid | Media Composer | v8.4 + Plugin*1 |
BlackMagic | DaVinci Resolve | v. 12.5.1 |
Colorfront | On-Set Dailies, Transkoder | v2017 |
Digital Vision | NuCoda | v2015 + Plugin*1 |
Filmlight | Baselight / Daylight | v5.0 |
Pomfort | SilverStack XT | v5.4 |
*1 Drastic Media Reactor Plugin v5.04.
Products and versions are conformed with Partners as of February, 2018.