Menu list



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Sets if the marker is displayed in the screen or not.

[ON], [OFF]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]

[BOX MARKER] is set to [OFF] when [BOX MARKER] is [ON1]/[ON2] and [MARKER] is set to [ON].


Selects the type of marker.

[OFF]: Marker is not displayed.

[4:3]: Marker of 4:3 size.

[13:9]: Marker of 13:9 size.

[14:9]: Marker of 14:9 size.

[CNSCO2.39]: Marker of 2.39:1 size.

[CNSCO2.35]: Marker of 2.35:1 size.

[2:1]: Marker of 2:1 size.

[VISTA]: Marker of 1.85:1 size.

[95%]: Marker of 95% area.

[93%]: Marker of 93% area.

[90%]: Marker of 90% area.

[88%]: Marker of 88% area.

[80%]: Marker of 80% area.

[USER85%]: Variable area marker between the range of 80% to 100% (in 1% steps) (can be set by pressing the <SELECT> dial button and the setting value changes to light blue) (factory setting is [85%])

  • Factory setting: [4:3]


Selects the type of marker displayed when the image aspect ratio is 4:3.

[OFF]: Marker is not displayed.

[95%]: Marker of 95% area.

[93%]: Marker of 93% area.

[90%]: Marker of 90% area.

[88%]: Marker of 88% area.

[80%]: Marker of 80% area.

[USER85%]: Variable area marker between the range of 80% to 100% (in 1% steps) (can be set by pressing the <SELECT> dial button and the setting value changes to light blue) (factory setting is [85%])

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the background brightness outside the marker set with [ZONE].

[NORMAL]: Normal background.

[HALF]: Background brightness is set to 50%.

[BLACK]: Background brightness is set to 0% (black).

  • Factory setting: [NORMAL]


Sets if the center marker is displayed or not.

[ON], [OFF]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the display and density of the cross hatch.

[OFF]: Does not display.

[LOW]: Dim cross hatch is displayed.

[HIGH]: Bright cross hatch is displayed.

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Selects the cross hatch size.

[80]: 80 dots and 80 lines

[40]: 40 dots and 40 lines

  • Factory setting: [80]


Sets if the box marker is displayed in the screen or not. Two patterns of [ON1] and [ON2] can be recorded.

[ON1], [ON2], [OFF]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]

[MARKER] is set to [OFF] when [MARKER] is [ON] and [BOX MARKER] is set to [ON1]/[ON2].


Sets the display type of the box marker.

[BOX]: Box type display.

[CROSS]: Cross type display.

  • Factory setting: [BOX]


Sets the horizontal position to display the box marker.

[10]...[1270] (in 10 dots step)

  • Factory setting: [640]


Sets the vertical position to display the box marker.

[10]...[710] (in 10 lines step)

  • Factory setting: [360]


Sets the horizontal size of the box marker.

[10]...[1270] (in 10 dots step)

  • Factory setting: [460]


Sets the vertical size of the box marker.

[10]...[710] (in 10 lines step)

  • Factory setting: [460]



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Selects the function assigned to the <F1> button.

[SCAN]: Switches between the underscan and normal display.

[WFM]: Displays the waveform display screen.

[MARKER]: Displays the marker.

[PIXEL TO PIXEL]: Switches the enable/disable of the PIXEL TO PIXEL function *1*2.

[FOCUS-IN-RED]: Switches the enable/disable of the function to enhance the focused part of the image (disabled when [WFM] is displayed, disabled when there is no input signal, setting is cleared when the power is turned off, and the detection sensitivity can be changed with the <SELECT> dial button during the operation when [FOCUS-IN-RED] is assigned with [MAIN MENU] → [FUNCTION] → [ASSIGN]).

[CROSS HATCH]: Switches the cross hatch display.

[MONO]: Switches between the color and monochrome display.

[UP TALLY]: Switches the on/off of the up tally lamp.

[FRONT TALLY]: Switches the brightness of the front tally lamp.

[CAM MENU]: Switches the enable/disable of the camera menu operation function (setting is canceled when the power is turned off).

[FOCUS ASSIST]: Switches the enable/disable of the focus assist function on the camera.

[ZOOM LINK]: Switches the enable/disable of the detail function on the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[UNDEF]: Function is not assigned.

  • Factory setting: [MONO]

[CAM MENU], [FOCUS ASSIST], and [ZOOM LINK] can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.


Selects the function assigned to the <F2> button.

[SCAN]: Switches between the underscan and normal display.

[WFM]: Displays the waveform display screen.

[MARKER]: Displays the marker.

[PIXEL TO PIXEL]: Switches the enable/disable of the PIXEL TO PIXEL function *1*2.

[FOCUS-IN-RED]: Switches the enable/disable of the function to enhance the focused part of the image (disabled when [WFM] is displayed, disabled when there is no input signal, setting is cleared when the power is turned off, and the detection sensitivity can be changed with the <SELECT> dial button during the operation when [FOCUS-IN-RED] is assigned with [MAIN MENU] → [FUNCTION] → [ASSIGN]).

[CROSS HATCH]: Switches the cross hatch display.

[MONO]: Switches between the color and monochrome display.

[UP TALLY]: Switches the on/off of the up tally lamp.

[FRONT TALLY]: Switches the brightness of the front tally lamp.

[CAM MENU]: Switches the enable/disable of the camera menu operation function (setting is canceled when the power is turned off).

[FOCUS ASSIST]: Switches the enable/disable of the focus assist function on the camera.

[ZOOM LINK]: Switches the enable/disable of the detail function on the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[UNDEF]: Function is not assigned.

  • Factory setting: [PIXEL TO PIXEL]

[CAM MENU], [FOCUS ASSIST], and [ZOOM LINK] can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.


Selects the function assigned to the <F3> button.

[SCAN]: Switches between the underscan and normal display.

[WFM]: Displays the waveform display screen.

[MARKER]: Displays the marker.

[PIXEL TO PIXEL]: Switches the enable/disable of the PIXEL TO PIXEL function *1*2.

[FOCUS-IN-RED]: Switches the enable/disable of the function to enhance the focused part of the image (disabled when [WFM] is displayed, disabled when there is no input signal, setting is cleared when the power is turned off, and the detection sensitivity can be changed with the <SELECT> dial button during the operation when [FOCUS-IN-RED] is assigned with [MAIN MENU] → [FUNCTION] → [ASSIGN]).

[CROSS HATCH]: Switches the cross hatch display.

[MONO]: Switches between the color and monochrome display.

[UP TALLY]: Switches the on/off of the up tally lamp.

[FRONT TALLY]: Switches the brightness of the front tally lamp.

[CAM MENU]: Switches the enable/disable of the camera menu operation function (setting is canceled when the power is turned off).

[FOCUS ASSIST]: Switches the enable/disable of the focus assist function on the camera.

[ZOOM LINK]: Switches the enable/disable of the detail function on the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[UNDEF]: Function is not assigned.

  • Factory setting: [FOCUS-IN-RED]

[CAM MENU], [FOCUS ASSIST], and [ZOOM LINK] can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.


Selects the function assigned to the <SELECT> dial button when the menu is not displayed.

[FOCUS-IN-RED]: Changes the detection sensitivity of the function to enhance the part that is focused in the image.

[IN-RED-COLOR]: Switches the display color of the function to enhance the part that is focused in the image.

[VF DTL]: Adjusts the detail level of the viewfinder.

[MARKER BACK]: Switches the background brightness of outside for the marker set in [MAIN MENU] → [MARKER] → [ZONE].

[BOX MARKER VF]: Switches the enable/disable of the box marker display on this unit.

[BOX MARKER CAM]: Switches the enable/disable of the box marker display on the camera.

[ZOOM LINK LEVEL]: Switches the detail level of the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[UNDEF]: Function is not assigned.

  • Factory setting: [UNDEF]

[VF DTL], [BOX MARKER CAM], and [ZOOM LINK LEVEL] can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.


Selects the display setting and the operation setting (one touch, two touches) for the function assigned to the <F1> to <F3> buttons.

[OFF]: Does not display the function.

[ON1]: Displays the function simultaneously as setting the operation. (One touch)

[ON2]: The function is displayed first, and then the operation is set by pressing the <F1> to <F3> buttons. (Two touches)

  • Factory setting: [ON1]

The setting is cleared when the power is turned off.

Center part of the screen is displayed in enlarged display. A [P-P] mark is displayed at the top left of the screen while in operation.



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Selects the gamma curve.*

[STANDARD]: Standard mode.

[FILM]: Film mode (displays [FILM] at the top left of the screen).

  • Factory setting: [STANDARD]


Selects the type of the film gamma mode in accordance with the gamma setting on the camera.*

[FILM REC]: When [FILM REC] is selected.

[OTHER]: When anything other than [FILM REC] is selected.

  • Factory setting: [FILM REC]


Selects the color temperature.

[USER 0]...[USER 63]: Variable settings 0 to 63 (equivalent to color temperature of 3000 K to 9300 K) (can be set when the <SELECT> dial button is pressed and the setting value changes to light blue).

[D93]: Equivalent to color temperature of 9300 K

[D65]: Equivalent to color temperature of 6500 K

[D56]: Equivalent to color temperature of 5600 K

  • Factory setting: [D65]


Selects the edge width of the contour correction (during peaking).

[HIGH]: Narrow edge

[LOW]: Wide edge

  • Factory setting: [HIGH]


Sets the horizontal contour correction.

Adds to the operation of the <PEAKING> knob.


  • Factory setting: [0]


Sets the vertical contour correction.

Adds to the operation of the <PEAKING> knob.


  • Factory setting: [0]


Switches between color and monochrome.

[OFF]: Color.

[ON]: Monochrome.

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the underscan or normal display of the screen.

[NORMAL]: Normal display.

[UNDER]: Underscan.

  • Factory setting: [NORMAL]

Correct image is not displayed when the gamma setting is different from the setting of the camera.



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Sets if the waveform of the video signal input to viewfinder is displayed or not.

[FOCUS-IN-RED] is disabled when [WFM] is displayed while [FOCUS-IN-RED] is enabled.

[OFF]: Not displayed.

[ON]: Displays the waveform of the brightness signal.

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Selects the position of the waveform display when [WFM] is [ON].

[LB]: Bottom left of the screen.

[RB]: Bottom right of the screen.

[RT]: Top right of the screen.

[LT]: Top left of the screen.

  • Factory setting: [RB]


Sets the illumination condition of the assignable tally lamp.

[OFF]: Turns off.

[CAM MENU]: Turns on when the menu operation function of the camera is enabled. This is enabled only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.

[!LED]: Turns on when it matches the setting on the camera. This is enabled only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS) is connected.

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the enable/disable of the menu resume function.

[OFF], [ON]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the illumination condition of the <POWER> lamp.

[ON]: Turns on continuously.

[OFF1]: Turns off (setting will return to [ON] when the power is turned off/on).

[OFF2]: Turns off continuously.

  • Factory setting: [ON]


Sets whether to remember the status when the unit is turned off with the <POWER> button.

[ON]: Remember the status.

[OFF]: Does not remember the status.

The unit turns on when power is supplied from the camera.

  • Factory setting: [ON]


Sets the display condition of the status display.

[CONTINUE]: Displays continuously.

[3SEC OFF]: Displays for three seconds after changing the condition of the status display, and then disappears.

[OFF]: Not displayed.

  • Factory setting: [3SEC OFF]



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Displays the total number of hours the power was turned on.

Hours up to 262800 hours [262800H] (approximately 30 years) is displayed. Hours exceeding 262800 hours is displayed as [OVER].


Displays the number of hours the backlight has been on.

Hours up to 262800 hours [262800H] (approximately 30 years) is displayed. Hours exceeding 262800 hours is displayed as [OVER].



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Sets the brightness of the up tally lamp.

[HIGH]: Turns on (bright).

[LOW]: Turns on (dark).

[OFF]: Turns off.

  • Factory setting: [LOW]


Sets the brightness of the front tally lamp.

[HIGH]: Turns on (bright).

[MID]: Turns on (medium).

[LOW]: Turns on (dark).

  • Factory setting: [MID]



Setting content


Returns to the upper level.


Sets the enable/disable of the function to enhance the part that is focused in the image on this unit.

Disabled while [WFM] is displayed. Disabled when there is no input signal. (setting is canceled when the power is turned off)

[OFF], [ON]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]


Sets the display color of the function to enhance the part that is focused in the image on this unit.


  • Factory setting: [RED]


Sets the enable/disable of the detail function on the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[OFF], [ON]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]

This item can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.


Sets the detail level of the viewfinder linked with the zoom.

[LOW], [MID], [HIGH]

  • Factory setting: [LOW]


Sets the enable/disable of the focus assist function on the camera.

[OFF], [ON]

  • Factory setting: [OFF]

This item can be operated only when the camera (AK-UC3300G/AK-UC3300GS, AK-HC3900G/AK-HC3900GS, AK-UC4000G/AK-UC4000GS, AK-UC3000G/AK-UC3000GS, AK-HC5000G/AK-HC5000GS) is connected.