4K PL-mount Studio Camera with Shallow Depth of Field for Live Cinematic Video
As video picture quality continues to be improved, the market is demanding increasingly engaging and captivating coverage of live sports and other events. In response, Panasonic announces an all-new studio camera for live cinematic video—the AK-PLV100GSJ—a 4K PL-mount studio camera equipped with a 5.7K Super 35 mm image sensor for creating diverse video expressions with unprecedented freedom.
For Studio Camera Users
Inspiring cinematic video with shallow depth of field
Panasonic's new PL-mount 4K studio camera with a 5.7K Super 35 mm image sensor is powerfully expressive thanks to its shallow depth of field. It provides the visual beauty of a cinema camera without sacrificing studio-camera operability. What's more, it is fully compatible with Panasonic’ s AK-UCU700/HCU250 Camera Control Unit (CCU). Simply replace the camera head of an existing system with the AK-PLV100GSJ and start creating powerful cinematic live video.
For Cinema Camera Users
Simplified System for Live Cinematic Video
Live production with a cinema camera normally requires the addition of many external devices, resulting in time-consuming preparation and increased risk of operational breakdowns due to system complexity. AK-PLV100GSJ is a super35 image sensor camera with studio camera’ s capabilities which makes the simplest system and requires no accessories, just like a studio camera.In addition to it, AK-PLV100GSJ outputs 12G/3G directly from its camera head to eliminate the need for a CCU. Forget those large systems—simply show up with your AK-PLV100GSJ for cinematic-level live production!
AK-PLV100GSJ Studio Camera System


Efficient IP-based Operation for Immersive Live Streaming
Multiple cameras can be utilized to shoot from various angles, allowing video of the main subject shot with the AK-PLV100GSJ to be combined with other camera feeds for powerfully immersive live streaming. In addition, the ST 2110 system does not require a CCU, so IP-based live production can be achieved with a single camera. Also, Panasonic’ s IT/IP Platform “KAIROS” can be incorporated for remote live production.
Camera Control Unit (CCU)
(ST 2110 and Dante® I/Fs installed Model)
(Basic Model)4K/IP CCU that is compatible with ST 2110, Dante®, NDI® and SRT
Remote Operation Panel (ROP)
Supports PoE and IP control.
22.9 cm (9 inches) LCD Color Viewfinder
Master Setup Unit (MSU)
Controls up to 99 CCU units via IP.