Procedure for using

For details, refer to the P2 Cast documents.

Login to P2 Cast, and download the profile.

Decompress the downloaded file.

Save the decompressed PRIVATE folder in the root directory of the SDXC memory card.

Perform the setting of the camera as follows.


Insert a SDXC memory card into the card slot selected in the [OTHERS] menu → [FILE] → [SLOT FOR LOAD/SAVE], and load the profile into the camera with one of the following.

  • Select the [NETWORK] menu → [STREAMING] → [CONNECTION INFO.] → [MEMORY], and load the content of SD with the [NETWORK] menu → [STREAMING] → [LOAD (SD CARD)].

  • Select the [NETWORK] menu → [STREAMING] → [CONNECTION INFO.] → [SD CARD].

Register [NETWORK ID(MAC ADDRESS)] of the camera in P2 Cast.

Check the [NETWORK ID(MAC ADDRESS)] by displaying [OTHERS] → [INFORMATION] → [VERSION] in the camera.

Register [NETWORK ID(MAC ADDRESS)] of the camera in the [CONFIG] screen in P2 Cast. (“:” dose not need to be entered.)

Perform each operation with P2 Cast.