Selecting audio input signal and adjusting recording level
The camera supports independent 4-channel sound recording in all recording formats.
When the <AUDIO SELECT CH1/3>/<AUDIO SELECT CH2/4> switch is set to <AUTO>, the recording level of audio channels 1 and 2 (audio channels 3 and 4 according to the [AUDIO] menu → [REC CH SETTINGS] → [VOL. SELECT]) is automatically adjusted. The recording level can also be manually adjusted by the <AUDIO LEVEL CH1/3>/<AUDIO LEVEL CH2/4> dials or <F.AUDIO LEVEL> dial when the switch is set to <MANU>.
Whether to adjust the recording level of audio channels 3 and 4 (audio channels 1 and 2 according to the [AUDIO] menu → [REC CH SETTINGS] → [VOL. SELECT]) automatically or manually can be selected in the [AUDIO] menu → [REC CH SETTINGS] → [CH1 LEVEL] to [CH4 LEVEL] (adjusted by the [AUDIO] menu → [REC CH SETTINGS] → [CH1 LEVEL CONTROL] to [CH4 LEVEL CONTROL]).
On the camera, whether to adjust the audio level of audio channels 1 and 2 or audio channels 3 and 4 can be selected by the <AUDIO LEVEL CH1/3>/<AUDIO LEVEL CH2/4> dial.
As the factory setting, the recording level of audio channels 1 and 2 is set to be adjusted by the <AUDIO LEVEL CH1/3>/<AUDIO LEVEL CH2/4> dial.