Performs confirmation or deleting of the recording clip.

This menu can be set when the thumbnail screen is displayed.


Sets the playback of recorded clips.

The clip selection is generally [ALL SLOT] when toggling the thumbnail screen from the camera image screen.


Selects a clip to be displayed on the thumbnail screen.


Displays the clips recorded on all the memory cards in each card slot.


Displays only the clips recorded on the memory card in card slot 1.


Displays only the clips recorded on the memory card in card slot 2.


Displays only the clips recorded in the same format as the system format.

Clips recorded in the same format means that each item of [FREQUENCY], [FILE FORMAT], and [REC FORMAT] in the [SYSTEM] menu matches the current setting status.

(Factory setting: [ALL SLOT])


Select if the playback is to start from the position the playback has stopped or not.


Plays back from the position where playback has stopped.


Always starts the playback from the beginning of the clip.

(Factory setting: [OFF])


The clip can be protected or copied to a different memory card.



Protect the clip so it is not mistakenly deleted.

Select the clip to protect, and set the protect.



Deletes all the clips displayed in the thumbnail screen.

The clip that is not displayed in the thumbnail screen is not deleted.


Select the clip to delete, and delete it.



Copies all clips to a different memory card.


Selects the clip to copy, and copies the clip to a different memory card.


Displays the detailed information of the clip.


Sets the display of the thumbnail screen.


Selects the content to be displayed in the time code display area.


Displays the time code value at the start of the recording.


Displays clip names.

(Factory setting: [START TC])